

천사요정 2022. 5. 3. 21:12


Cryptocurrencies and Decentralized Finance (DeFi)


암호화폐 및 분산 금융(DeFi)

이 백서는 암호화폐와 분산 금융에 대한 개요를 제공합니다. 토론은 새로운 시스템의 잠재적인 이점과 과제를 제시하고 기존의 금융 시스템과의 비교를 제시합니다. .. more
NBER (2022-05-02)
은행 대 시장: 은행이 지속 가능성을 촉진하는 데 더 효과적입니까?

은행 기반 금융과 시장 기반 금융은 ESG(환경, 사회 및 거버넌스) 위험에 대한 태도가 다른가요? 2007년부터 2020년까지 3,783개의 미국 공기업을 대상으로 하는 새로운 샘플을 사용하여 기업 수준이 ... more
핀란드 은행 (2022-04-27)
미국 달러 자금 조달 및 신흥 시장 경제 취약성

COVID-19 대유행 이전 10년의 대부분 동안, 풍부한 글로벌 유동성? 선진국(AE)의 저금리와 투자자들의 수익 증대를 위한 수익률 추구가 결합되어 있습니까? .. 더
FSB (2022-04-26)

세금 감면 및 고용법 및 일부 고소득 가구의 자선 기부 AEI
Bitcoin 인식, 소유권 및 사용: 2016-20 캐나다 은행
경기 침체 구제: COVID-19에 대한 미국 경제 정책 대응에서 배운 교훈 브루킹스
바이든과 무역 1년차: 공손한 보호주의의 집권 CATO
의회는 Cryptocurrency 경쟁을 환영해야합니다 CATO
시카고의 Performance Pay FRB로 재배포
미니애폴리스의 전쟁, 제재 및 소버린 디폴트 FRB에 관하여
특권의 끝: 미네소타주 미니애폴리스 FRB의 순해외자산 포지션 재검토
팬데믹 실업 수당 종료의 일자리 효과: 세인트루이스의 주 차원 분석 FRB
기록적인 휘발유 가격 인하를 위한 정책 제안 유산
미국-대만 자유무역협정: 경제적 사례 유산
Feldstein-Horioka "퍼즐"이 해결되지 않은 부담으로 남아있는 이유
CEO의 위험 의제: 보험 관점 McKinsey
경쟁 시장에서의 AI 도입 NBER
독점 시장에서의 AI 도입 NBER
AI, 무역 및 창조적 파괴: 우선 검토 NBER
기후 규제 위험 및 회사채 NBER
암호화폐 및 분산 금융(DeFi) NBER
미국의 소프트파워는 무역전쟁의 희생자인가? NBER
제재 및 환율 NBER
연준의 국제 달러 유동성 시설: 효과에 대한 새로운 증거 NBER
미국 운용사의 거시경제적 기대 NBER
미국 COVID-19 베이비 바스트 및 리바운드 NBER
중국의 최근 무역 움직임은 다른 모든 사람들에게 엄청난 문제를 야기합니다 PIIE
재정 지원 및 통화 경계: 유럽 연합에 대한 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁의 경제 정책 의미 PIIE

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and Charitable Giving by Select High-Income Households AEI
Bitcoin Awareness, Ownership and Use: 2016-20 Bank of Canada
RECESSION REMEDIES : Lessons Learned from the U.S. Economic Policy Response to COVID-19 Brookings
Biden and Trade at Year One: The Reign of Polite Protectionism CATO
Congress Should Welcome Cryptocurrency Competition CATO
Redistribution with Performance Pay FRB of Chicago
On Wars, Sanctions and Sovereign Default FRB of Minneapolis
The End of Privilege: A Reexamination of the Net Foreign Asset Position of the United States FRB of Minneapolis
The Jobs Effect of Ending Pandemic Unemployment Benefits: A State-Level Analysis FRB of St. Louis
Policy Proposals for Reducing Record-High Gasoline Prices Heritage
U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement: The Economic Case Heritage
Why the Feldstein-Horioka "Puzzle" Remains Unsolved Levy
The CEO's risk agenda: An insurance perspective McKinsey
AI Adoption in a Competitive Market NBER
AI Adoption in a Monopoly Market NBER
AI, Trade and Creative Destruction: A First Look NBER
Climate Regulatory Risk and Corporate Bonds NBER
Cryptocurrencies and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) NBER
Is the American Soft Power a Casualty of the Trade War? NBER
Sanctions and the Exchange Rate NBER
The Fed's International Dollar Liquidity Facilities: New Evidence on Effects NBER
The Macroeconomic Expectations of U.S. Managers NBER
The US COVID-19 Baby Bust and Rebound NBER
China's recent trade moves create outsize problems for everyone else PIIE
Fiscal support and monetary vigilance: Economic policy implications of the Russia-Ukraine war for the European Union PIIE


은행 대 시장: 은행이 지속 가능성을 촉진하는 데 더 효과적입니까? 핀란드 은행
푸틴의 에너지 임대료 삭감: 러시아 석유 및 가스 '스마트 제재' Bruegel
유럽 ​​기업의 낮은 생산성: 정책이 어떻게 자원 할당을 향상시킬 수 있습니까? 브뤼겔
ESG 성과와 관련된 경영진 보상: 국제 증거 CEPR
과장된 권장 사항 CEPR
마이크로 VC CEPR
운송비 및 인플레이션 CEPR
사회적 책임 철수 CEPR
신뢰와 은행간 시장 퍼즐 CEPR
ESG 시장 CEPS에 대한 비판적 시각
유행성 우울증: COVID-19와 자영업 DIW의 정신 건강
대칭적인 인플레이션 목표와 높은 인플레이션 DNB에 대한 가계 인플레이션 기대의 반응
차세대 EU의 경제적 영향: 유로 지역 관점 ECB
정부가 효과적인 벤처 캐피탈 투자자가 될 수 있습니까? 스위스 금융 연구소
경제 정책 불확실성과 수익률 곡선 Swiss Finance Institute
암호 화폐 시장의 품질: 중앙 집중식 대 분산형 교환 Swiss Finance Institute
선구자: 선진 기후 투자의 템포 설정 WEF
지속 가능한 투자 경로: 플레이북 WEF

Banks vs. markets : Are banks more effective in facilitating sustainability? Bank of Finland
Cutting Putin's energy rent: 'smart sanctioning' Russian oil and gas Bruegel
The low productivity of European firms: how can policies enhance the allocation of resources? Bruegel
Executive Compensation Tied to ESG Performance: International Evidence CEPR
Inflated recommendations CEPR
Shipping Costs and Inflation CEPR
Socially Responsible Divestment CEPR
Trust and the Interbank Market Puzzle CEPR
A critical look at the ESG market CEPS
Pandemic Depression: COVID-19 and the Mental Health of the Self-Employed DIW
Reactions of household inflation expectations to a symmetric inflation target and high inflation DNB
The economic impact of Next Generation EU: a euro area perspective ECB
Can the Government Be an Effective Venture Capital Investor? Swiss Finance Institute
Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Yield Curve Swiss Finance Institute
On The Quality of Cryptocurrency Markets: Centralized Versus Decentralized Exchanges Swiss Finance Institute
Pacesetters: Setting the Tempo of Advanced Climate Investing WEF
Sustainable Investment Pathways: Playbook WEF

 아시아 및 기타
제 길드 캠코더
역내포괄적경제동반자협정(ADB)의 상품별 원산지 규정 분석
Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor 2021: Volume II?아시아 중소기업이 COVID-19 팬데믹에서 1년 동안 살아남은 방법: Survey Evidence ADB
기초통계 2022 ADB
재해 복원력 있는 인프라: 아시아 및 태평양 ADB를 위한 기회 잠금 해제
인도네시아 지방정부 조세 현대화 ADB
COVID-19에 따른 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스 투자 강화 ADBI
경제적인 정보의 사용 및 활용 (In Japanese) BOJ
수해 가 항운 (In Japanese) BOJ
BOJ에 영향을 미치는 수해가
기본 구성의 공시 규칙 (In Japanese) Daiwa Institute of Research
일본 기관과 차입기업의 매치 데이터를 활용한 자금 조달 시장 분석 (일본어) FSA, Japan
보험회사의 행동과 비용 효용 및 장(일본어) FSA, Japan
지역 금융기관의 미세먼지와 관련된 연구결과(일본어)
급락 후 반등한 충격 루블화의 머리과 드라이빙 (In Japanese) IIMA
금융 정책 수정으로 지역 은행의 수익은 복구되나요? (일본어) JRI
미국의 POS 파이낸스 확대와 일본에 요구하는 신용정보 고도화 JRI
일본의 (사회보댓) 대가의 댓가 (일본어) JRI
엔화 약세는 까지 다양하다. (일본어) Mizuho Research & Technologies
생산성 분포의 위기와 변화: 지역별 PE

An Analysis of the Product-Specific Rules of Origin of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ADB
Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor 2021: Volume II?How Asia's Small Businesses Survived a Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey Evidence ADB
Basic Statistics 2022 ADB
Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure: Unlocking Opportunities for Asia and the Pacific ADB
Modernizing Local Government Taxation in Indonesia ADB
Strengthening Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment under COVID-19 ADBI
경제적 관점에서 본 개인정보의 이용 및 활용 (In Japanese) BOJ
수해 리스크가 지가에 미치는 영향 (In Japanese) BOJ
수해가 실물경제에 미치는 영향에 관한 정량분석 (In Japanese) BOJ
이사회 구성의 다양성 공시 규칙 (In Japanese) Daiwa Institute of Research
금융기관과 차입기업의 match data를 이용한 지역대출시장 실증분석 (In Japanese) FSA, Japan
증권회사의 행동과 투자자 효용 및 경제성장 (In Japanese) FSA, Japan
지역 금융기관의 외부환경 분석 관련 연구와 기법의 표준화 (In Japanese) FSA, Japan
급락 후 반등한 러시아 루블화의 배경과 향후 전망 (In Japanese) IIMA
금융정책 수정으로 지방은행의 수익력은 회복되는가? (In Japanese) JRI
미국의 POS 파이낸스 확대와 일본에 요구되는 신용정보기관 고도화 (In Japanese) JRI
일본의 (사회보장비) 국민부담 현황과 대응 과제 (In Japanese) JRI
엔화 약세는 언제까지 어디까지 진행될 것인가? (In Japanese) Mizuho Research & Technologies
Crises and changes in productivity distributions: a regional perspective in Japan RIETI
Does risk aversion affect individuals' actions and interests in angel investing? Empirical evidence from Japan RIETI


Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems - Executive Summary BIS
Post-Issuance Reporting in China's Green Bond Market 2022 Climate Bonds Initiative
Supervisory and Regulatory Approaches to Climate-related Risks: Interim Report FSB
US Dollar Funding and Emerging Market Economy Vulnerabilities FSB
Creating Markets in Mali: Country Private Sector Diagnostic IFC
Asia Growth Slows on Commodities, Covid and Rising Interest Rates IMF
Corporate Vulnerabilities in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan in the Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic IMF
High Performance Export Portfolio: Design Growth-Enhancing Export Structure with Machine Learning IMF
India's Banks: Lending to Productive Firms? IMF
Monetary Policy Transmission and Policy Coordination in China IMF
Public Debt and Real GDP: Revisiting the Impact IMF
Shocks to Inflation Expectations IMF
Sovereign Cocos IMF
Enhancing Market Transparency in Green and Transition Finance NGFS
Aligning development co-operation to the SDGs in lower middle-income countries OECD
FDI in Figures April 2022: Global FDI flows surge 88% in 2021, rising above pre-pandemic levels OECD
Informal employment and the social contract OECD
The Short and Winding Road to 2030 OECD
Women's leadership in environmental action OECD
Global Investment Trends Monitor, No. 41 UNCTAD
Calamities, Debt, and Growth in Developing Countries World Bank
Commodity Markets Outlook, April 2022 : The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Commodity Markets World Bank
The Legal Profile of Russian Eurobonds : Engineered against Speed World Bank
Unemployment Benefits, Active Labor Market Policies, and Labor Market Outcomes World Bank