
셰계이슈 2020-03-03 일자 [제 20-16 호]

천사요정 2020. 3. 4. 09:22
2020-03-03 일자 [제 20-16 호]


Benefits and Costs of Debt : The Dose Makes the Poison
World Bank (2020-03-03)

부채의 이익과 비용 : 독극물을 만드는 선량                         세계은행(2020-03)

Government debt has risen substantially in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) since the global financial crisis. The current environment of low global interest rates and weak growth may appear to mitigate c ..  more

Loan Types and the Bank Lending Channel
CEPR (2020-03-03)

글로벌 금융위기 이후 신흥시장과 개발도상국(EMDE)에서 정부 부채가 크게 증가했다. 낮은 세계 금리와 약한 성장의 현재 환경은 c. ... 더 많은 대출 유형과 은행 대출 채널을 완화하는 것처럼 보일 수 있다.                                   심폐소생술(2020-03)

Using credit-registry data for Spain and Peru, we document that four main types of commercial credit-asset-based loans, cash flow loans, trade finance and leasing-are easily identifiable and represent the bulk of corpora ..  more

Output Gaps and Robust Monetary Policy Rules
IJCB (2020-03-03)

스페인과 페루의 신용 등록 자료를 사용하여, 우리는 네 가지 주요 유형의 상업 신용 자산 기반 대출, 현금 흐름 대출, 무역 금융 및 임대가 쉽게 식별될 수 있으며, 많은 기업을 대표한다는 것을 문서화한다. 더 많은 출력 갭과 강력한 통화 정책 규칙   IJCB(2020-03)

Policymakers often use the output gap to guide monetary policy, even though inflation and nominal gross domestic product (NGDP) are measured more accurately in real time. Employing a small New Keynesian model with a zero ..  more

정책 입안자들은 인플레이션과 명목 국내총생산(NGDP)을 실시간으로 더 정확하게 측정하더라도 통화정책을 안내하기 위해 출력 격차를 자주 사용한다. 0으로 작은 뉴 케인즈 모델을 사용하는 것.. 더

제 목발행기관
A Financial Stability Analysis of Zombie Firms in CanadaBank of Canada
The Effect of Mortgage Rate Resets on Debt: Evidence from TransUnion (Part I)Bank of Canada
The Power of Helicopter Money Revisited: A New Keynesian PerspectiveBank of Canada
A Roadmap for Growing Good Jobs: Background on data and methodologyBrookings
Why bank regulators should make their secret ratings publicBrookings
China's Uneven High-Tech Drive: Implications for the United StatesCSIS
Capital markets: Modules and MicroservicesDeloitte
Avoiding Sovereign Default Contagion: A Normative AnalysisFRB
Capacity Choice, Monetary Trade, and the Cost of InflationFRB
Common Transport Infrastructure: A Quantitative Model and Estimates from the Belt and Road InitiativeFRB
How Much Will the Belt and Road Initiative Reduce Trade Costs?FRB
Online Estimation of DSGE ModelsFRB
Piecewise-Linear Approximations and Filtering for DSGE Models with Occasionally Binding ConstraintsFRB
The Elusive Gains from Nationally-Oriented Monetary PolicyFRB
The Fed's "Ample-Reserves" Approach to Implementing Monetary PolicyFRB
The Increasing Deflationary Influence of Consumer Digital Access ServicesFRB
Credit Score DoctorsFRB of Chicago
The Signaling, Screening, and Human Capital Effects of National Board Certification: Evidence from Chicago and Kentucky High SchoolsFRB of Chicago
Oligopsonies over the Business CycleFRB of Cleveland
Saving Constraints, Debt, and the Credit Market Response to Fiscal StimulusFRB of Cleveland
The Effect of Immigration on Business Dynamics and EmploymentFRB of Dallas
Optimal Monetary Policy According to HANKFRB of New York
The Overnight DriftFRB of New York
The Fed's Response to Economic News Explains the "Fed Information Effect"FRB of San Francisco
Assessing Beijing's Power: A Blueprint for the U.S. Response to China over the Next DecadesHeritage
Bank Capital: A Seawall ApproachIJCB
Does Central Bank Transparency and Communication Affect Financial and Macroeconomic Forecasts?IJCB
Monetary Policy, Commodity Prices, and Misdiagnosis RiskIJCB
Output Gaps and Robust Monetary Policy RulesIJCB
Relaxed Lending Standards and the 2007 Mortgage Crisis: Changes in Household Debt and Borrowing BehaviorsIJCB
Stress Tests of the Household Sector Using Microdata from Survey and Administrative SourcesIJCB
The Continuing Validity of Monetary Policy Autonomy under Floating Exchange RatesIJCB
A 2040 vision for the US power industry: Evaluating two decarbonization scenariosMcKinsey
A new management science for technology deliveryMcKinsey
Are you asking enough from your design leaders?McKinsey
21st Century MacroNBER
Can Low Retirement Savings Be Rationalized?NBER
Does Information About Climate Risk Affect Property Values?NBER
Does Student Loan Forgiveness Drive Disability Application?NBER
Housing Discrimination and Pollution Exposures in the United StatesNBER
Human Capital as Engine of Growth - The Role of Knowledge Transfers in Promoting Balanced Growth Within and Across CountriesNBER
Monetary Policy and Bubbles in a New Keynesian Model with Overlapping GenerationsNBER
Secured Credit SpreadNBER
Take the Q Train: Value Capture of Public Infrastructure ProjectsNBER
The Collateral Channel of Monetary Policy: Evidence from ChinaNBER
The Electric Vehicle Transition and the Economics of Banning Gasoline VehiclesNBER
Trust and Saving in Financial InstitutionsNBER
Uncovered Interest Parity, Forward Guidance, and the Exchange RateNBER
Utilization-Adjusted TFP Across Countries: Measurement and Implications for International ComovementNBER
What Determines Consumer Financial Distress? Place- and Person-Based FactorsNBER
Jumping Forward: Compliance In InsuranceOliver Wyman
Reimagining The Korean Wealth Management MarketOliver Wyman
Democratic presidential candidates have mixed positions on tradePIIE
Global value chains and the removal of trade protectionPIIE

제 목발행기관
Erosion of state power, corruption control, and political stabilityBank of Finland
Job-to-Job Flows and Wage Dynamics in France and ItalyBank of France
How good is the European Commission's Just Transition Fund proposal?Bruegel
How Do Credits Dollarize? The Role of Firm's Natural Hedges, Banks' Core and Non-Core LiabilitiesCBRT
The Role of Imported Inputs in Pass-through DynamicsCBRT
Heterogeneous Wealth EffectsCEPR
Loan Types and the Bank Lending ChannelCEPR
The Econometrics of Oil Market VAR ModelsCEPR
Financial stability committees and the countercyclical capital bufferDeutsche Bundesbank
The power of forward guidance in a quantitative TANK modelDeutsche Bundesbank
Density forecast combinations: the real-time dimensionECB
Global Data Access for Solving Rare Disease: A Health Economics Value FrameworkWEF
Energy Use Patterns in German Manufacturing Since 2003ZEW
Labor Shortage and InnovationZEW

제 목발행기관
A Comparative Analysis of Tax Administration in Asia and the Pacific: 2020 EditionADB
Attraction or Repulsion? Testing Coagglomeration of Innovation between Firm and UniversityADB
Conditions for Effective Macroprudential Policy InterventionsADB
Exchange Rates and Insulation in Emerging MarketsADB
Not Business as Usual: Mega-Trends and the Need for New City Building Approaches in the People's Republic of ChinaADB
Over Land and Over Sea: Domestic Trade Frictions in the PhilippinesADB
The Integration of Countries' Sovereign Bond Markets: An Empirical Illustration of a Global Financial CycleBOJ
미중 대립과 아시아 서플라이체인 재편 (In Japanese)JRI
시진핑 정권은 왜 미국과의 대립을 마다하지 않는가? (In Japanese)JRI
Competitive Neutrality of State-owned Enterprises in China's Steel Industry: Causal Inference on the Impacts of SubsidiesRIETI

제 목발행기관
Variability in risk-weighted assets: what does the market think?BIS
Enhancing the macroprudential dimension of Solvency IIESRB
Macroprudential implications of financial instruments in Levels 2 and 3 for accounting purposesESRB
Deus ex Machina? A Framework for Macro Forecasting with Machine LearningIMF
Exploring Residual Profit AllocationIMF
Foreign Demand and Local House Prices: Evidence from the USIMF
Household Debt and House Prices-at-risk: A Tale of Two CountriesIMF
International Capital Flows at the Security Level - Evidence from the ECB's Asset Purchase ProgrammeIMF
The Impact of Conflict and Political Instability on Banking Crises in Developing CountriesIMF
The More the Merrier? A Machine Learning Algorithm for Optimal Pooling of Panel DataIMF
Transitory and Permanent Shocks in the Global Market for Crude OilIMF
Blockchain for SMEs and entrepreneurs in IsraelOECD
Systemic Thinking for Policy Making : The Potential of Systems Analysis for Addressing Global Policy Challenges in the 21st CenturyOECD
Brexit Beyond Tariffs: The role of non-tariff measures and the impact on developing countriesUNCTAD
Leveraging the Potential of ESG ETFs for Sustainable DevelopmentUNCTAD
Benefits and Costs of Debt : The Dose Makes the PoisonWorld Bank
Understanding the Cost of Achieving the Sustainable Development GoalsWorld Bank

제 목발행기관

Coronavirus Spread Puts Densely Populated India on High Alert

코로나바이러스 확산, 인도 집중 집중 고경보


Japan Pension Fund Sheds Bonds, Bets Virus Fears Are Overblown

일본 연금 기금, 채권 매각, 바이러스 공포 팽배


Bank of Korea Leaves Key Rate Unchanged Despite Virus Blow

바이러스 폭발에도 불구하고 한국은행, 주요 금리 변동 없음


Global Credit Market Seizes Up as Coronavirus Halts Bond Sales

코로나바이러스가 채권 판매를 중단함에 따라 글로벌 신용시장이 상승함


Pandemic Scenario for ECB May Mean Revisiting Maxed-Out Toolkit

ECB를 위한 전신 시나리오는 최대 출력 툴킷을 다시 방문하는 것을 의미할 수 있다.


Virus Alarm Drives Rotation Into Gold With Record ETF Flows

기록적인 ETF 흐름으로 금으로 회전하는 바이러스 경보


German Firms Cut Investment for Third Quarter

독일 기업, 3분기 투자 삭감


JPMorgan Says Blockchain Is Laying Foundation for Digital Money

JPMorgan, 블록체인이 디지털 머니를 위한 재단을 설립했다고 말한다.


Rethinking how we value data

우리가 데이터를 어떻게 평가하는지 다시 생각해보죠


The virus is coming

바이러스가 오고 있다


Experts predict that covid-19 will spread more widely

전문가들은 코비드19가 더 널리 퍼질 것이라고 예측한다


Markets wake up with a jolt to the implications of covid-19

시장은 covid-19의 함축적 의미에 경악하며 깨어난다.


As its covid-19 epidemic slows, China tries to get back to work

코비드-19 전염병이 둔화되면서 중국은 다시 일터로 돌아가려고 한다.


Healing the rift in Europe's single currency

유럽 단일 통화의 균열 치유


Business and the next recession

사업과 다음 경기 침체


The Iranian regime risks exacerbating the outbreak of covid-19

이란 정권은 코비드-19의 발발을 악화시킬 위험이 있다.


Coronavirus to knock US earnings growth to zero, Goldman says

골드만은 코로나 바이러스가 미국 수입증가를 제로로 떨어 뜨린다고



Japan shuts all schools to combat coronavirus

일본, 코로나 바이러스 퇴치 위해 모든 학교 폐쇄


Coronavirus and the etiquette of working from home

코로나 바이러스와 재택 근무의 예절


Stocks whipsaw amid mounting coronavirus concerns

코로나바이러스 우려가 높아지는 가운데 주가가 급등했다.


Junk bond spreads surge as investors consider virus risks

투자자들이 바이러스 위험을 고려함에 따라 정크 채권이 급증한다


The AI doctor will see you now

AI 의사가 지금 당신을 볼 것입니다


Coronavirus deals fresh blow to Italy's struggling economy

코로나바이러스는 이탈리아의 어려움을 겪고 있는 경제에 새로운 타격을 준다.


Japan warns of rapid coronavirus spread after global market sell-off

일본은 세계 시장 매각 후 코로나바이러스 확산을 경고하고 있다.


Bets on Interest Rate Cuts Escalate

금리 인하에 대한 베팅 이관


U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak Would Pose Risk to Record Expansion

미국 코로나 바이러스 발생으로 기록적인 확장 위험


Fed's Wait-and-See Posture Tested by Spread of Coronavirus

코로나바이러스 확산으로 테스트된 연방준비제도이사회 대기 및 대기 자세


Trump versus the Coronavirus

트럼프 대 코로나바이러스


Coronavirus Concerns Fuel Fresh Selloff in Global Stocks

코로나바이러스, 글로벌 주식에서 연료 신선 판매 우려


The Spending Virus

소비 바이러스


SEC Rethinks Approach to Conflicts Among Bond-Rating Firms

채권평가회사간의 갈등에 대한 SEC의 재검토


With Current Tools, Fed Unlikely To Sustainably Hit Inflation Target

현재 정책으로 연준은 인플레이션 목표를 지속 할 가능성이 거의 없음
