
2020-03-24 일자 [제 20-22 호]

천사요정 2020. 3. 24. 11:06
2020-03-24 일자 [제 20-22 호]

The Coronavirus and the Great Influenza Pandemic: Lessons from the "Spanish Flu" for the Coronavirus's Potential Effects on Mortality and Economic Activity
NBER (2020-03-24)

Mortality and economic contraction during the 1918-1920 Great Influenza Pandemic provide plausible upper bounds for outcomes under the coronavirus (COVID-19). Data for 43 countries imply flu-related deaths in 1918-1920 o ..  more
COVID-19 potential implications for the banking and capital markets sector
Deloitte (2020-03-24)

- Learn what questions banking and capital markets leaders should be asking themselves right now and what action steps they should consider in the face of COVID-19.  more
COVID-19: Quarantined Economics
Allianz (2020-03-24)

The COVID-19 outbreak has forced governments to put the world on an unprecedented pause, for at least three months, to flatten the contagion curve. Since January, the impact of the outbreak has unfolded from a China-cent ..  more

제 목발행기관
A business fiscal response to a COVID-19 recessionAEI
A stagnant China in 2040, brieflyAEI
Advancing treatments to save lives and reduce the risk of COVID-19AEI
Demand for Payment Services and Consumer Welfare: The Introduction of a Central Bank Digital CurrencyBank of Canada
Are Medical Care Prices Still Declining? A Systematic Examination of Quality-Adjusted Price Index Alternatives for Medical CareBrookings
How tight is the US labor market?Brookings
How to help businesses and their workers survive COVID without bailouts or blank checksBrookings
Stimulus steps the US should take to reduce regional economic damages from the COVID-19 recessionBrookings
When is growth at risk?Brookings
COVID-19 potential implications for the banking and capital markets sectorDeloitte
Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the United States during and after the Great RecessionFRB of Cleveland
A Quantitative Evaluation of the Housing Provident Fund Program in ChinaFRB of Dallas
Understanding the Exposure at Default Risk of Commercial Real Estate Construction and Land Development LoansFRB of Dallas
Labor Market Dynamics and DevelopmentFRB of Minneapolis
Fiscal Policy during a PandemicFRB of St. Louis
When Two Minskyan Processes Meet a Large Shock: The Economic Implications of the PandemicLevy
Leadership in a crisis: Responding to the coronavirus outbreak and future challengesMcKinsey
Leadership in the time of coronavirus: COVID-19 response and implications for banksMcKinsey
Responding to coronavirus: The minimum viable nerve centerMcKinsey
Comparing Alternative China and US Arrangements with CPTPPNBER
Early Childhood Education and Life-cycle HealthNBER
Long-Term Health Insurance: Theory Meets EvidenceNBER
Market Design, Human Behavior, and ManagementNBER
Medical Spending, Bequests, and Asset Dynamics Around the Time of DeathNBER
The Coronavirus and the Great Influenza Pandemic: Lessons from the "Spanish Flu" for the Coronavirus's Potential Effects on Mortality and Economic ActivityNBER
The Macroeconomics of EpidemicsNBER
Understanding Cross-country Differences in Health Status and ExpendituresNBER
What Will Be the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in the US? Rough Estimates of Disease ScenariosNBER
A Treasurer's Liquidity Management Action Plan For COVID-19Oliver Wyman
Coronavirus And CECLOliver Wyman
COVID-19: Lessons From Asia And ItalyOliver Wyman
Eight Actions For Corporate Treasurers In The PandemicOliver Wyman

제 목발행기관
COVID-19: Quarantined EconomicsAllianz
High water, no marks? Biased lending after extreme weatherBank of England
An analysis of sovereign credit risk premia in the euro area: are they explained by local or global factorsBank of Italy
Asymmetry in the conditional distribution of euro-area inflationBank of Italy
Determinants of the credit cycle: a flow analysis of the extensive marginBank of Italy
Housing supply elasticity and growth: evidence from Italian citiesBank of Italy
Public debt expansions and the dynamics of the household borrowing constraintBank of Italy
Analysis of developments in EU capital flows in the global contextBruegel
A century of arbitrage and disaster risk pricing in the foreign exchange marketCEPR
Household FinanceCEPR
Search, Information and PricesCEPR
The Virus of Fear: The Political Impact of Ebola in the U.S.CEPR
Two Centuries of U.S. Banking Concentration: 1820-2019CEPR
(How) will the EU become an AI superstar?Deutsche Bank
Central bank information shocks and exchange ratesDeutsche Bundesbank
Measuring spatial price differentials: A comparison of stochastic index number methodsDeutsche Bundesbank
On adjusting the one-sided Hodrick-Prescott filterDeutsche Bundesbank
Border Carbon Adjustments and Alternative Measures for the EU ETS: An EvaluationDIW
The Dynamic Impact of FX Interventions on Financial MarketsDIW
Global and local currency effects on euro area investment in emerging market bondsDNB
Financial policy in an exuberant worldECB
A Wake-Up Call Theory of ContagionSveriges Riksbank
TFP news, stock market booms and the business cycle: Revisiting the evidence with VEC modelsSveriges Riksbank
Embracing the New Age of Materiality: Harnessing the Pace of Change in ESGWEF
Guidelines for City Mobility: Steering towards collaborationWEF

제 목발행기관
Fatigue Will Be the Carrier of the Second Coronavirus Wavebloomberg
To Treat Pandemics, Start by Treating Hypertensionbloomberg
Currency Liquidity Vanishes on Mounting Fears of London Hub Slamming Shutbloomberg
Early Coronavirus Drug Trials Yield Mixed Resultsbloomberg
Japanese Researchers to Test Blood Thinner For Virus Treatmentbloomberg
The Saudis Have a High-Stakes Plan to Win the Global Oil Warbloomberg
American Airlines Is in Talks to Borrow Billions Amid Pandemicbloomberg
The Stimulus Toolbox to Help Virus-Stricken Economiesbloomberg
The dollar is in high demand, prone to dangerous appreciationeconomist
Why America's financial plumbing has seized upeconomist
Economies can rebound quickly from massive GDP slumps but not alwayseconomist
Spaniards are uniting against covid19economist
How covid-19 is interrupting children's educationeconomist
Joe Biden builds an insurmountable leadeconomist
Should other countries copy Italy's nationwide lockdowneconomist
The Federal Reserve acts again, as market turmoil continueseconomist
Toilet rolls and Treasury bonds tell the same panicked storyft
Why the Fed is trying to tame the dollarft
The virus is an economic emergency tooft
The virus is an economic emergency tooft
Coronavirus proves a bonanza for Asia edtech start-upsft
Emerging markets hedge funds stung in Covid-19 sell-offft
Bank of Japan ploughs deeper into stocks to ease coronavirus fearsft
Federal Reserve announces more emergency support for marketsft
Coronavirus Vindicates Capitalismwsj
The Next Coronavirus Financial Crisiswsj
Senate Passes Paid-Leave Bill to Combat Pandemic, Turns to Administration's Stimulus Planwsj
Square Gets Green Light to Open a Bankwsj
The Economic Rout Accelerateswsj
Yes, Flatten the Curvewsj
Fed Deploys Its Full Arsenal, but It Still Has Some Toolswsj
Financing an Economic Shutdownwsj