
최신 해외연구동향

천사요정 2022. 4. 12. 21:27



Addictive Platforms Bank of Canada
Exports and the Exchange Rate: A General Equilibrium Perspective Bank of Canada
What COVID-19 May Leave Behind: Technology-Related Job Postings in Canada Bank of Canada
The Role of Clusters in the Performance of the Mexican Economy Bank of Mexico
Credit, crises, and infrastructure: The differing fates of large and small businesses Brookings
Effective engagement with Africa: Capitalizing on shifts in business, technology, and global partnerships Brookings
It's the End of Globalization as We Know It (and That's Probably Fine), Part 1 CATO
It's the End of Globalization as We Know It (and That's Probably Fine), Part 2 CATO
Ingraining sustainability in the next era of ESG investing Deloitte
Forecast Revisions as Instruments for News Shocks FRB
Narrative Restrictions and Proxies FRB of Chicago
A Twenty-First Century of Solitude? Time Alone and Together in the United States FRB of Philadelphia
Is It Still an Econ Course? The Effect of a Standardized Personal Finance Test on the Learning of Economics FRB of Richimond
Automation, Market Concentration, and the Labor Share FRB of San Francisco
A Final Report Card on the States' Response to COVID-19 NBER
A Minimalist Model for the Ruble During the Russian Invasion of Ukraine NBER
A p Theory of Government Debt and Taxes NBER
Industries, Mega Firms, and Increasing Inequality NBER
On ESG Investing: Heterogeneous Preferences, Information, and Asset Prices NBER
Tax Aversion and the Social Contract in Africa NBER
The role of Venture Capital and Governments in Clean Energy: Lessons from the First Cleantech Bubble NBER
Could Supply Chain Overcorrection Result in Excess Inventories? OCC
Russia's ruble actions are monetary theater of the absurd PIIE
WTO 2025: Restoring binding dispute settlement PIIE



Emerging market sovereigns: turbulent times ahead? Allianz
Information chasing versus adverse selection Bank of England
Size discount and size penalty: trading costs in bond markets Bank of England
Sectoral decomposition of convergence in labor productivity : A re-examination from a new dataset Bank of Finland
The Currency Channel of the Global Bank Leverage Cycle Bank of France
When Could Macroprudential and Monetary Policies Be in Conflict? Bank of France
Are Managers Paid for Market Power? CEPR
Do Renewables Create Local Jobs? CEPR
Helicopter money: what is it and what does it do? CEPR
International Financial Flows and Misallocation: Evidence from Micro Data CEPR
International Macroeconomics With Imperfect Financial Markets CEPR
Political Power and Market Power CEPR
Subjective Housing Price Expectations, Falling Natural Rates and the Optimal Inflation Target CEPR
The Savings of Corporate Giants CEPR
Inflation expectations and climate concern Deutsche Bundesbank
Wealth and subjective well-being in Germany Deutsche Bundesbank
Financial Integration and Structure in the Euro Area April 2022 ECB
"There is No Planet B", but for Banks "There are Countries B to Z": Domestic Climate Policy and Cross-Border Bank Lending Swiss Finance Institute
Global Network of Advanced Manufacturing Hubs: Annual Report 2021 WEF
Climate Change Affectedness and Innovation in German Firms ZEW

아시아 및 기타


Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2022: Mobilizing Taxes for Development ADB
Compound Risk Analysis of Natural Hazards and Infectious Disease Outbreaks ADB
상장 지방은행의 주주환원 방침 현황과 경향 (In Japanese) Daiwa Institute of Research
주요국의 CBDC 검토상황과 향후 전망 (In Japanese) IIMA
구미 주요은행의 2021년도 결산 (In Japanese) JRI
남성 육아휴직을 저해하는 요인과 해결책 (In Japanese) JRI
곡물 인플레이션이 요동치는 신흥국 (In Japanese) Mizuho Research & Technologies
Effects of Product-Specific Rules of Origin on Trade in Free Trade Agreements: Evidence from the Cases of Japan and the U.S. RIETI
Government R&D spending as a driving force of technology convergence RIETI
The Hidden Cost of Having More Children: The Impact of Fertility on the Elderly's Healthcare Utilization RIETI



Business continuity planning at central banks during and after the pandemic BIS
Supervisory practices for assessing the sustainability of banks' business models BIS
Regional cooperation and integration in support of a sustainable development-oriented multilateral trading system ESCAP
Inclusive Banking: Emerging Practices to Advance the Economic Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities IFC
A Global Strategy to Manage the Long-Term Risks of COVID-19 IMF
Pandemic, Poverty, and Inequality: Evidence from India IMF
The Global Bank Stress Test IMF
The Return of Expansionary Austerity: Firms' Investment Response to Fiscal Adjustments in Emerging Markets IMF
Voluntary Disclosure Programs ? Design, Principles, and Implementation Considerations IMF
Corporate Bond Markets - Drivers of Liquidity During COVID-19 Induced Market Stresses IOSCO
Exchange Traded Funds - Good Practices for Consideration IOSCO
A new macroeconomic measure of human capital exploiting PISA and PIAAC: Linking education policies to productivity OECD
Boosting productivity in New Zealand by unleashing digitalisation OECD
Global supply chains at work: A tale of three products to fight COVID-19 OECD
The effect of a carbon tax rise on Iceland's economy OECD
Towards net zero emissions in Denmark OECD
Closing the funding gap: The case for ESG incorporation and sustainability outcomes in emerging markets PRI
Consolidating the Recovery : Seizing Green Growth Opportunities World Bank
Fathoming Shipping Costs : An Exploration of Recent Literature, Data, and Patterns World Bank
FDI, Market Power, and Markups : Evidence from Vietnam World Bank
Firm Resources, Strategies, and Survival and Growth during COVID-19: Evidence from Two-Wave Global Surveys World Bank
Globally Engaged Firms in the COVID-19 Crisis World Bank
Tracking Economic Fluctuations in Bangladesh with Electricity Consumption World Bank
World Bank East Asia and Pacific Economic Update - Spring 2022 World Bank